8 Mayıs 2019 Çarşamba

Gamig in Language Learning

Attention parents! This entry is especially for you.
Most of the time I hear parents complaining about the amount of time their children spend on the computer, just playing video games, and not studying. Today, I am here to advise you not to do that. Of course it is not healthy for children to spend hours by looking to computer screen but saying it is waste of time is also inaccurate.
Video games are actually quite useful for language learning. First of all, since the children do not see them as lessons, they are motivated to play and learn from them. Those games provide a huge source of vocabulary and besides do that in a context. For instance, in Minecraft they are supposed to build their own land and while doing that they unconsciously  acquire vocabularies like ''build, plant, improve'' and so on. Moreover, most of the online video games have chat rooms. And this gives them an opportunity to interact and communicate with others and thus using the language. To sum up, of course it is not logical that allowing your children to spend 5 or 6 hours on the computer. Yet, it might be better for them to be flexible (1 to 3 hours perhaps) instead of banning to play those games.

7 Mayıs 2019 Salı

Second Life

Hi everyone, today I'm going to introduce you a new tool for education, Second Life. It is a virtual world where the objects and avatars (players) are created by users. The world is created by Linden Labs. However, it is not a game in the truest sense, as there are no goals to achieve. You just go into the game and act however you want. Joining the program is free but if you want to buy land and create your own place, you need pay some money.

Now, I'm sure you are thinking about how is it helpful for language education. First of all, it gives you the opportunity of interactive learning and teaching. For instance, think about a teacher who joins the second life and buys land from it. Then, she established 
her own classroom and asks her students to join the class as well. After that, those students and the teacher can have their lessons whenever and wherever they want. All they have to do is to connect the internet and make some time. Besides, since the second life gives you the opportunity to communicate either by writing or speaking, the students can participate the lesson however they want. It is great relaxation for students. No peer pressure, no teacher looking at you and making you nervous, just the student is his safe zone.

I have opened my own account and created an avatar. There is the selfie of my avatar for you to see.
And there is the link of Second Life for you to join: https://secondlife.com/

4 Mayıs 2019 Cumartesi

QR Code

Now, we are going to look at what is QR Code and how we can integrate it to our lessons. For the one who have not heard it before, A QR Code is a two-dimensional barcode that is readable by smartphones. It allows to encode over 4000 characters in a two dimensional barcode. It may be used to display text to the user, to open a URL, save a contact to the address book or to compose text messages.
How do we as teachers make use of it in the classroom?
 You find a material and convert it into a QR Code then bring it to the class. You may;
-either present a QR code during the lesson and students scan it with their smart phones or tablets, then have an access to the material, video, text or anything you have prepared before,
-or, prepare some QR code and hang them on the different parts of the class, then ask your students to check them out during the brake times.

To give you an example, I have created a QR code. First, you need to download the application QR Code Generator, and then scan it with your phone or tablet. If you do that, you can see a Youtube video about '' Introduction to phonology'' opening up. Try it and have fun!


You can create your own QR Codes by entering the links below

HP Reveal

Hi everyone, today I am here with a new application for you! HP Reveal is an augmented reality application in which you can create unique materials!
First of all, Augmented reality is the technology that expands our physical world, adding layers of digital information onto it. Unlike Virtual Reality (VR), AR does not create the whole artificial environments to replace real with a virtual one. AR appears in direct view of an existing environment and adds sounds, videos, graphics to it.
So, basically you can take a photograph and then add some pictures or gifs to it. When students scan that picture with their phones or tablets, they see the thing you add to it.
In the example that I have created for you, I have used a picture of a forest to teach the unit of Animals. Of course it is a really short example because I'm aiming to show you how it works, not to design a lesson.

Here you can watch my video

As come to why we should use it in our classes;
-it increases learners' motivation,
-helps us to design our own materials,
-makes learning more contextualized,
-makes the learning experience more authentic which means real-life-like.

2 Mayıs 2019 Perşembe

Role Play Activity Assigned with Pixton

Do you enjoy reading comics? I'm sure many of you do. As you do, keep in mind that your students would also enjoy reading comics. So instead of giving them assignments orally or in a written way, why not give them through comics?
By using Pixton, you can open a class and make your students join it. Then you can create your own 
comics and ask your students to do the same as well. 
I have created a little role play example for you to have an idea about it. You can see in the picture how it looks and have an access by clicking the link. Besides, it is all free in first 30 days! Have fun!

The link of my classroom: https://join.pixton.com/cbzzw

Online Lessons on Nearpod

Lets do one of our lessons on Nearpod!
Nearpod is an online platform in which you can do lots of different things. To begin with, you can add slides, presentations, pictures or videos. Then you can continue by creating activities such as matching or drawing. And finally, you can add some assignments like giving an open-ended question and asking your students to write down their answers.
In my lesson, I used the possibilities and imaginary situations. My students are supposed to do the matching activity in second part (matching the clauses with suitable ones) and then write a short paragraph at the and to my open-ended question. You can check it out by clicking the link below.


Designing Materials with Canva

Does power points seem boring to you as well? Then Canva is perfect for you! You can create presentations, cards, posts, brochures, advertisements and bunch of other things by using it. In my example, I have designed a birthday card and I am going to ask my students to do the same. And I'm going to ask them to design according to their own birthdays then hang them on the walls. In this way, they will both have fun and use the language for a real purpose.

You can see my example below.

And if you want to create your own materials by using it, here is the link. You can sign up free for 30 days. Lets try it!

Creating Maps with MindMeister

Today I'm here with a brand new idea, MindMeister! Mapping is a well known activity which helps us to brain storm, outline, connect ideas and so on. However, like any other traditional activities, new generation learners would get bored easily while working on a paper and drawing a map. So lets give them something they would like in online platform.
With the help of MindMeister, you can;
-create maps
-make your students to brainstorm on some topic
-give key terms and ask your students to fill in the necessary information
-ask your students to create their own maps
I have created a map about animals and left some blank spots for my students to fill. In order to have an access to my activity, click the link below and sign up with your e-mail. You can sign up for 30 days free trial or upgrade it by paying very small amount of money per month.

Vegetables vs Fruits -Quizlet

Hi guyys, today I have a very fun activity for you which I designed using Quizlet. It is an application which is mostly used for designing vocabulary cards and turn them into a gamelike activities. But of course, you can take it into another level asking your students to determine the category of that word as I did.
You can reach my activity by clicking the link below.
Have fun!


21 Nisan 2019 Pazar

Create Stories with Storybird

Are your students get bored with traditional writing assignments? Then Storybird is your solution. It is an online program in which you can create lessons, challenges and assignments.
There is a free trial for 30 days. By using it, you can understand how it works and have an idea about if it is suitable for your students. You may have a look at the challenges and stories that others created and try it for your students. Then if you upgrade, you will have a full access to all kinds of lessons and can create your own assignments.
I have tried a free trial version and assigned pre-writing challenge to my students. You can try it by clicking the below.
-Join with your e-mail.
-Then enter my class passcode ''WASX5P''

19 Nisan 2019 Cuma

Online Free Courses!

Hi guysss, today I want to give you a very special news! Did you know that you can take online courses from the most prestigious universities such as Harvard, Oxford, British Colombia etc. Besides, it is all free, unless you want to take a verified certificate. If you want a certificate, they charge you relatively small amount of money like 49$. 
I have taken one course from Harvard University named ''Hamlet's Ghost''. It is really a lovely piece of literary and having taken a course from such a prestigious university is a whole another experience. I have given the course link below if you want to check it out.

NOTE: Since I didn't have the intention to add this course certificate to my resume, I did not enroll the upgraded version.

As you can see in the picture above, I have watched all the videos, took part in discussions and did the final assignment. But, the self reports are only for those who enrolled to get a certificate and paid 49$
The site that I took this course from https://www.edx.org/. But, it is not the only site that you can have these kind of online courses. You can also take courses from the given links below.

14 Nisan 2019 Pazar


As a teacher, do you think your students are really bored with the work sheets? We know that our students must do some exercises to practice the language but, we are also aware that their motivation is quite low when it comes to do them. Let's change that!
Kahoot is an online program in which you can create exercises for your students. You create the questions beforehand and share the game pin with your students. It can be either an individual or a group activity. When they answer fast and correctly, students get points. It is still like a traditional ''fill in the blanks'' activity but in a more fun and more cooperative way. I think you should give it a shot!
I have created an example for you to look at. You can find it by clicking the link below and join by entering the game pin. 

GAME PIN: 997465

Another Seesaw Activity!

I have already introduced you the ''Seesaw''. Let's remember;
-It is an online platform in which you can create activities,
-Your students can response at the same time and quickly,
-The response can be in form of written, drawn or recorded,
-You can see and assess all of them at the same time.

Today, I have created a matching activity about seasons and clothes. You can try it by clicking the link below. But, as I mentioned in my previous post, you need to sign up and join my class to be able to have access. Have fun!


13 Nisan 2019 Cumartesi


Hi everyone, in this blog, I'm going to share my reviews about some programs and apps which can be used for educational purposes.
Soo to be consistent, I have used VOKI for my introduction post. Although I have used it to create a video, you can do much more things with VOKI.
It is a presentation tool for both teachers and students. Lessons, projects and homework become more fun and engaging. It also allows getting feedback from students and makes it easier for teacher to monitor and manage the classroom.

Giving Advices by Modals- Created with Powtoon!

Hi guyys, this video is for young learners or for beginner levels. I have explained briefly how modals are used to give advices. If your level is high, this video may seem boring or useless to you. But, do not worry, more advanced posts are on their way!

I also want to give you some information about the program that I have used to create this video. It is called '' Powtoon'' and can be used for lots of different purposes. Many people use it to create videos or presentations for businesses, advertising, and so on. I use it to create educational contents thinking that it would take my students attention and increase their motivation. Besides, apart from some pro+ animations, it is all free!

9 Nisan 2019 Salı

Design Activities In Seesaw

Hi guyss, I want to give you some information about seesaw. As teachers, we know that it is really hard making students do their homework and assess easily. I'm offering you a golden solution, Seesaw!
It is an online platform in which you can create many kinds of activities. You can give written, visual or oral instructions to you students while explaining what they are supposed to do. They can reply by taking videos, recording their voices, writing their work, or in any way you want. In today's world, students will most likely be more comfortable doing their homework by using the tools that they use every day. 

I have prepared an example activity so that you can you can see how it works. The link is below but in order to have access to it, you need to sign in and join my class by using your e-mail. Have fun!


5 Nisan 2019 Cuma

My Padlet About Communicative Competence

The term ''communicative competence'' has been defined over and over again throughout the history. It is possible to find a number of definitions and classifications, but I prefer the one made by Canale and Swain. If you want to check it out, click the padlet link below!

A QUICK REVISION: What do you use when you want to preapare a quick presentation? Paper? Cardboard? Markers? Paint? Aren't you bored of them? Today, it is possible to do it all online! Padlet is an online program which you can use fot many purposes. Besides, it is much easier and much quicker than the traditional methods. I think you may want to give it a chance!

2 Nisan 2019 Salı

My Podcast About Bilingualism

If you do not watch the video that I posted before, here is the podcast link for it. By using this link, you can just listen what I have said on my video about bilingualism.


Key terms:
-Knowing two or more languages,
-Its importance and benefits
a. to our brain
b. work opportunities
c. travelling

My Vidcast About Bilingualism

As many of you know, bilingualism is a growing trend day by day. With the increase of technological developments, people have gained access to multiple language resources. Therefore, learning an additional language has become very easy.
It also has a number of advantages in terms of our brain development, work opportunities and travelling which I have explained in my video. Come on, lets watch it!